In 2023, Judy Tuwaletstiwa received the Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts, and, in 2019, The Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, mounted a major exhibition featuring work spanning many decades: “Judy Tuwaletstiwa: The Dream Life of Objects”. Her work, exhibited from New York to Madrid, resides in private and museum collections worldwide, including the Tia Collection, the Corning Museum of Glass, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, and Yale’s Beinecke Library. Her books, The Canyon Poem, 1997, Mapping Water, 2007, and Glass, 2016, (Radius Books), embody the experience of the creative process and its relationship to the Unconscious. After a lifetime of teaching, art making and inspiring, at over eighty years old, Judy is now a Tik-Tok influencer in art and creativity. She is represented by Pie Projects in Santa Fe.

Of her life and work in Galisteo, Judy writes, “Inspiration is everywhere. In this vast desert, a thin membrane separates the daily world and the world of spirit. This elemental landscape continually reminds me of the fragility and tenacity of life. It holds a deep reservoir of the Unconscious. I work to integrate the dark and the light into a harmonious whole that speaks directly to the soul. Art has taught me that what I gaze upon gazes back at me, that I am in dialogue with what surrounds me, from the macrocosm of the universe to the microcosm of an ant carrying a grain of sand.”



